The Arizona Center for Economic Progress is a leader in advancing policies that create fairer tax codes which raise the revenue needed to invest in education, affordable housing, health care, infrastructure and other supports needed to build thriving communities and better economic opportunities for all Arizonans.


Collage of students, healthcare workers, az landsape, etc.

Our impact

You can find us in Arizona communities alongside grassroots organizations fighting for equity and economic justice; in the halls of the government advocating for policy change that removes barriers to getting ahead; and producing key data-driven insights and the latest research to share with advocates, lawmakers, media and Arizona voters.

Our Recent Successes

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Advancing legislation to slow the growth of corporate tax credits and preventing millions of public tax dollars from being diverted from public to private schools.

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Achieving millions in new annual revenue for Arizona’s public schools and a fairer state tax code through the passage of a ballot initiative establishing an income tax surcharge on the wealthiest Arizonans.


Joseph Palomino

Director of the Arizona Center for Economic Progress

Joseph serves as the Director of the Arizona Center for Economic Progress. He brings years of experience in state and local taxation. Joseph began his career as a corporate tax analyst at the Arizona Department of Revenue and has worked as a tax consultant at KPMG. He holds his Juris Doctor and Master of Laws in Taxation from Loyola Law School, Los Angeles. He is currently pursuing a Master of Arts in Economics from George Mason University. Additionally, Joseph brings a background in political organizing, community mediation, and nonprofit arts leadership. Joseph believes it’s important to focus on the narratives that make up the Arizona economy as he works to create a fairer tax code and a more inclusive Arizona economy.


Geraldine Miranda

Economic Policy Analyst

Geraldine advances the Arizona Center for Economic Progress’ work by advocating for a sound fiscal policy through budget and tax-related projects. She joins the AZCenter after serving as a Senior Paralegal for Community Legal Services where she provided legal assistance and administrative hearing representation to Arizonans facing adverse Medicaid, SNAP, TANF, and Social Security disability benefit eligibility and overpayment determinations. Geraldine holds a Bachelor of Science in Foreign Service degree in International Politics with a certification in Asian Studies from Georgetown University.


Luisa Santos Martinez

Senior Digital Strategist


Nathan Von Gnechten

Economic Policy Analyst

Nathan furthers the Arizona Center for Economic Progress by providing research advocating for a budget and policy that works to advance the well-being of communities across Arizona. Nathan previously interned with the SouthWest Fair Housing Council investigating racial and ethnic mortgage lending disparities in the Phoenix and Tucson Metropolitan areas. He holds a Master of Urban and Environmental Planning from Arizona State University, where he gained experience in data analysis through various research projects. Nathan hopes to further equity across Arizona through advocacy and analysis in his work.


Let’s raise the economic power of all Arizonans
