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Bridging the gaps to the COVID-19 response

Arizona should have people-driven policies and public investments to stabilize incomes, prevent job loss, provide for basic needs, and preserve state resources. While Congress and the state legislature have taken important…

Empty grocery store shelves in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic

A People-Driven Economic Agenda During COVID-19

COVID-19’s rapid spread, the measures taken to contain it, and the uncertain duration of the crisis have sent shockwaves through the economy. As many businesses grind to a halt and workers are laid off, many economists…

Arizona Congressional Delegation Must Take Swift and Bold Action to Mitigate Economic Harms of COVID-19 Pandemic

MEDIA STATEMENT (Phoenix, Arizona) Thursday, March 19, 2020 The Arizona Center for Economic Progress calls upon Senators Sinema and McSally and the entire Congressional delegation from Arizona to take swift and bold action…

Arizonans’ incomes remain far below the national average

Arizonans’ incomes remain far below the national average and those of most neighboring states. While Arizona has seen some improvement in the past year—likely attributable to the minimum wage passage 15 2016—deep disparitiesf…

Paid Family Leave in Arizona Would be Good for Working Families and the Economy

Nearly everyone needs to take time off from work at some point to care for a sick family member, a new child, or to deal with a serious personal illness. That leave can come at a significant price if it means lost wages or…

Criminal Justice Reform Is Good for the Economy and Advancing Equity

Taxation through court fines and fees is problematic The most visible reforms targeted at the criminal justice system today center around policing, sentencing, and mass incarceration. While some parts of the Arizona criminal…

Supermajority Requirement for Raising Revenues Jeopardizes Arizona’s Economic Future‌

Arizona’s constitution requires a super-majority (two-thirds) vote of both chambers of the legislature to raise revenue through increased taxes or to reduce or eliminate tax credits, tax exemptions, or deductions – even…

Boy participating in a crowded classroom

More Than Two Decades of Underfunding Arizona Public School Facilities Hurts Low-Income and Rural Communities the Most

Are the public schools in your neighborhood properly designed to keep students safe and secure? Does the air conditioning system work adequately enough for students to learn in comfortable classrooms on sweltering Arizona…

Let’s raise the economic power of all Arizonans
