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New Tool Illustrates Unexpected Qualities and Contributions of Arizona Immigrants

Though common narratives suggest that immigrants arrive in the United States with limited English skills, the opposite is true according to 2021 American Community Survey (ACS) five-year data from the U.S. Census Bureau….


The last couple of weeks have given us a glimpse into what is likely to be a difficult session when the legislature returns in January: Significant funding needs with declining revenues.   Funding needs are high.  On September…

Celebrating the contributions of all Arizona workers this Labor Day!

The AZCenter celebrates the contributions of all Arizona workers this Labor Day. We honor the activists who worked to secure better working conditions and an additional day of rest for American workers when the first Monday…

Is the Arizona Legislature Gambling with the State’s Fiscal Future?

As reported by the Arizona Republic’s Mary Jo Pitzl , enrollment in the Empowerment Scholarship Account (ESA) program is expected to far exceed the projections assumed in the budget.  In late May, the Department of Education…

School Vouchers Lack Necessary Transparency and Accountability

This post is part of a series including Arizona School Vouchers, Explained, School Voucher Costs Have Risen Much Faster Than K-12 Funding Increases, and School Vouchers Lack Necessary Transparency and Accountability. ESA…

School Voucher Costs Have Risen Much Faster Than K-12 Funding Increases

This post is part of a series including Arizona School Vouchers, Explained, School Voucher Costs Have Risen Much Faster Than K-12 Funding Increases, and School Vouchers Lack Necessary Transparency and Accountability. In recent…

Arizona School Vouchers, Explained

This post is part of a series including Arizona School Vouchers, Explained, School Voucher Costs Have Risen Much Faster Than K-12 Funding Increases, and School Vouchers Lack Necessary Transparency and Accountability. For…

Extending the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act Will Further Solidify An Unequal Federal Income Tax Structure for Generations

A new report from the Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy (ITEP) predicts that making permanent the temporary provisions of the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) will cost nearly $290 billion in 2026. H.R. 976, the…

Let’s raise the economic power of all Arizonans
