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Save Our Schools Petition Drive

Save Our Schools Arizona is running a statewide referendum to stop the universal voucher expansion passed by the legislature and signed by the Governor earlier this summer. This expansion will strip Arizona public schools…


Despite what the thermostat may say, summer is over for many Arizona students. School is back in session.   Lawmakers added money to K-12 spending for this school year – but how much? $1 billion? $800 million? Is this…

2022 Governor's Budget Misses the Mark

Every January, Arizona’s legislative session begins with the Governor’s State of the State speech and unveiling of annual priorities and proposed budget. And this session—Governor Ducey’s last—presented a major…

2022 Legislative Agenda

The 2022 Arizona Center for Economic Progress legislative agenda works to assure the community conditions necessary to allow all Arizona residents to have equitable access to high-quality education, health care, child well-being,…

2021 Legislative Scorecard

In the 2021 legislative session, Arizona Governor and state legislators had a historic opportunity to use a massive surplus of state and federal resources to make long-term investments and improve the economic well-being…

Expanded Child Tax Credit Positively Impacts Thousands of American Indian Children in Arizona

This post is the third in our online series on the expanded Child Tax Credit – featuring key section(s) of our full report. Click here to view our first entry on how the expanded Child Tax Credit empowers Arizona families…

How The Expanded Child Tax Credit Empowers Arizona Families and Combats Child Poverty

This post is the second in our online series on the expanded Child Tax Credit – featuring key section(s) of our full report. Click here to view our first entry on how the expanded Child Tax Credit empowers Arizona families…

Expanded Child Tax Credit A Major Boost for Arizona’s Families

This post is the first in our online series on the expanded Child Tax Credit – featuring key section(s) of our full report. Click here to view our second entry on how the Child Tax Credit reduces child poverty. Read the…

Let’s raise the economic power of all Arizonans
