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Diverse people wearing face masks

Arizona's regressive tax policy contributes significantly to economic and racial injustice

Tax policy plays a role in the fight for economic and racial justice. The type of tax and how it is structured matters. A new report issued by the Institute for Taxation and Economic Policy (ITEP), Taxes and Racial Equity…

Family preparing for school during COVID-19 pandemic

American Rescue Plan will provide much needed boost for Arizona

The American Rescue Plan Act, passed by Congress and signed by President Biden last week, is a major victory for Arizonans. A year into the pandemic, this legislation provides much-needed relief to struggling households and…

Stop politicians from destroying Arizona’s future

Thousands of Arizonans are facing huge challenges  during the COVID-19 health and economic crisis. Many have lost their jobs or are working reduced hours, struggling to put food on the table. And many small businesses are…

SB1783 is a tax cut for the rich and does nothing to help small businesses

Senate Bill 1783 allows rich individual tax filers to remove profits from their businesses, trusts, and estates from the calculation of their individual taxable income so that they can avoid paying the surcharge established…

Arizona State Senate Chambers

What did the Arizona legislature miss this year?

This year, state lawmakers in Arizona introduced more than 1,800 pieces of legislation.  Committee chairs, using their power through rules and deadlines, select which bills receive a hearing for consideration. Every year…

Arizona's cuts to higher education threaten access and equity

No state has cut more funding from higher education since 2008 than Arizona High-quality, affordable, and accessible public higher education is critical to building a prosperous and robust state economy, where the benefits…

Tax cuts on the horizon in Arizona (yet again)

The economic shockwaves from the COVID-19 pandemic have by no means subsided. According to our recent analysis of Household Pulse Survey data, 1 in 3 households in Arizona cannot afford usual expenses, 1 in 6 renter households…

Governor Ducey's budget proposal

At a time when Arizona is experiencing among the highest rates of COVID in the nation and world, it is critical to examine how the state allocates its resources to address the needs of struggling Arizonans. Amidst the onset…

Let’s raise the economic power of all Arizonans
