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Stop SCR1035/SB1577

A PROPOSAL FOR AUTOMATIC INCOME TAX CUTS SOUNDS BENIGN BUT WOULD EVENTUALLY CAUSE GREAT HARM TO MANY ARIZONANS Understanding the Real Costs of Arizona SCR1035 and SB1577 The Arizona Legislature Senate Concurrent Resolution…

AZCenter Priority Bills: What We Support and Oppose to Build a Future for All Arizonans.

This legislative session, the AZCenter has identified 16 Priority Bills that will impact resources to create a better opportunity for all Arizonans. Bills like SCR 1035 and SB1577 would require the Arizona Department of Revenue…

The Clock is Ticking – AZ Students Need a Permanent Fix to The School Spending Limit

Just as they did in 2023, this year’s legislature preemptively lifted the school spending limit for the 2024 – 2025 academic year, far ahead of the March 1, 2025, deadline. But the clock continues to tick—now toward…

SB1682 Fact Sheet

In Arizona, only 29 percent of corporations pay more than $50 in state income taxes. Most of us pay more than that for our monthly phone bill.  For more than 30 years, corporations have received billions of dollars of tax…

Arizona Legislature Introduces a “Skinny” Budget to Avoid Working for Consensus. The Governor Proposes a Full Budget that Meets Many of the Needs of Arizonans

On January 9, Governor Hobbs released her budget proposal to address the needs of Arizonans.  This week, the legislature ignored the Governor’s proposal and introduced bills to adopt a “skinny” budget.  These bills…

Creating more sales tax exemptions will make it harder for those in need.

Governor Hobbs and a bipartisan coalition of lawmakers are supporting a proposal that would make all purchases of tampons, sanitary napkins and other feminine hygiene products exempt from sales tax. It is estimated the exemption…

Diaper Sales Tax Exemption Provides Little Help for Low-Income Parents

Instead of eliminating the sales tax on diapers, lawmakers should establish a direct assistance program to cover most or all of the cost of diapers for low-income families. Governor Hobbs and a bipartisan coalition of lawmakers…


2023 Legislative Agenda With a newly elected Governor and legislators representing newly drawn districts, the 2023 legislative session in Arizona presents a fresh opportunity to make vital policy changes. Many challenges…

Let’s raise the economic power of all Arizonans
