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Congressional Proposal Would Put 923,400 Children, Seniors, and Arizonans with Disabilities at Risk of Hunger

923,400 people in Arizona who participate in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) could be at risk of going hungry if Congress moves forward with a plan to cut $230 billion or more from the program over nearly…

Tariffs Are a Hidden Tax on Arizona Families

The Trump administration’s newly imposed tariffs aren’t just a misguided trade policy—they’re a tax hike on hardworking Arizona families. Tariffs are often sold as a way to protect American industries, but in reality,…

Restoring Child-Only TANF assistance for children living with informal kinship caregivers prevents DCS involvement and makes good fiscal sense

For every one child raised by kin in foster care in Arizona, eight children are being raised by kin outside of foster care. During the Great Recession, our state cut Child-only Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)…

Big Win! Final Public Charge Rule Announced

Last week, the Biden Administration announced changes to immigration rules that disproportionately harm low-income people of color.   The changes repeal and replace extreme and discriminatory changes to the Public Charge…

Arizona should use its surplus to invest in the future, not in another tax giveaway.

As Arizona’s economy continues its rapid recovery and expansion—in large part thanks to federal relief legislation that kept families afloat and businesses open—Arizona’s state revenues have skyrocketed, resulting…

The better the bill, the harder it falls

This year, state lawmakers in Arizona introduced nearly 1700 pieces of legislation. Committee chairs, using their power through rules and deadlines, select which bills receive a hearing for consideration. Every year many…

ProPublica feature strengthens case for improving cash assistance in Arizona

Recent reporting from ProPublica and the Arizona Republic has vividly depicted the consequences of the Arizona state government’s approach to the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program. As ProPublica documents…

Flat Tax Exacerbates Inequalities for Households of Color

Arizona’s elected leaders have created a tax code that is upside down and regressive– meaning that those with low incomes pay a much higher share of their income in taxes compared to Arizona’s highest income earners….

Let’s raise the economic power of all Arizonans
