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Increase Food Assistance Now

Job loss and reductions to income related to COVID-19 have put a strain on family budgets. A new national survey from the Urban Institute found that 3 in 10 nonelderly adults have reduced spending on food, with nearly half…

For rent sign in the window

We Need to Protect Arizona’s Tenants

In 2018, before COVID-19 and its economic fallout, nearly 9 in 10 Arizonan households with extremely low incomes spent more than half of their income on housing—leaving little room for emergency expenses. Many low-income,…

Healthy produce

Senate Farm Bill is the Way Forward for SNAP

The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, formerly known as food stamps) is a key tool that keeps working families economically secure. SNAP participants include hard working families, unemployed workers who fell…

Let’s raise the economic power of all Arizonans
