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Stop politicians from destroying Arizona’s future

Thousands of Arizonans are facing huge challenges  during the COVID-19 health and economic crisis. Many have lost their jobs or are working reduced hours, struggling to put food on the table. And many small businesses are not sure whether they will be able to keep their doors open much longer.  

Arizona lawmakers have an estimated $600 million in additional revenue they could use to invest in an economy that benefits all of us during these difficult times . Instead, Arizona politicians want to give that revenue away in tax breaks to corporations and the rich. They want to give away our future. If politicians give our tax dollars away now, our state will never have the money we need to rebuild a stronger economy that works for everyone, like investing in affordable job training and college, in child care so parents can work, and in food support during tough times. 

We need to stop these politicians from taking us down this dangerous and fiscally irresponsible path. We need to stop them from giving away our future in tax breaks to corporations and the rich, and instead invest in an economy that puts people first, a people first economy.

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