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Statement on Governor Ducey’s Termination of Temporary Unemployment Protections

Today, Arizona Governor Doug Ducey announced he would end temporary pandemic unemployment assistance. Rather than listening to workers, addressing root causes of unemployment, and enabling people to pursue jobs that provide…

Family preparing for school during COVID-19 pandemic

American Rescue Plan will provide much needed boost for Arizona

The American Rescue Plan Act, passed by Congress and signed by President Biden last week, is a major victory for Arizonans. A year into the pandemic, this legislation provides much-needed relief to struggling households and…

Arizona State Senate Chambers

What did the Arizona legislature miss this year?

This year, state lawmakers in Arizona introduced more than 1,800 pieces of legislation.  Committee chairs, using their power through rules and deadlines, select which bills receive a hearing for consideration. Every year…

The Effect of Pandemic EBT on Measures of Food Hardship

In the spring of 2020, 55 million school-age children were not in school and tens of millions lost access to school-based nutrition assistance programs. To alleviate the effects of lost daily school meals and to help households…

Tens of thousands of Arizona households have already missed rent payments during COVID-19

The recent uptick in COVID-19 cases has made it clear that Arizona remains stuck in a public health and economic emergency. As the expiration dates for expanded unemployment benefits through the Coronavirus Aid, Relief,…

SNAP is the anti-hunger tool Arizona needs now

As the per-capita rate of COVID-19 in Arizona remains one of the highest in the US, the public health and economic emergency continues to disrupt workplaces. Many workers continue to experience reduced hours, furlough, or…

Unemployment insurance is an effective, necessary boost for Arizona’s workers and businesses

As the COVID-19 pandemic and its effect on workplaces rages on with additional workplace shutdowns in Arizona, tens of thousands of Arizonans will continue to file for unemployment insurance (UI) every week. Yet, unemployed…

Arizona’s workers need unemployment insurance reform — now

In Arizona, as in much of the county, the economic shockwaves from COVID-19 have exacerbated vulnerabilities for workers. As businesses shutter and employees are sent home, the unemployment rate in Arizona rose to 12.6% in…

Let’s raise the economic power of all Arizonans
