Economic Opportunity

Economic Opportunity
An economy that works for all Arizonans means work that pays a living wage with fewer barriers.
Caring for loved ones, personal sickness, or prior involvement with the criminal justice system should not disqualify or burden those that are ready and qualified to work or learn. The Arizona Center for Economic Progress advances policy change to include all Arizonans in the State’s economy regardless of their barriers and toward opportunities that allow them to earn and save.
Tariffs Are a Hidden Tax on Arizona Families
The Trump administration’s newly imposed tariffs aren’t just a misguided trade policy—they’re a tax hike on hardworking Arizona families. Tariffs are often sold as a way to protect American industries, but in reality,…

Arizonans Deserve Better Solutions
In choosing among five issues, the economy was a top concern for 1 in 3 Arizonan voters this election, with a larger 2 in 3 voters feeling the economy is not so good or poor. While both the U.S. and Arizona are experiencing…

Support Our Workers: Vote No on Prop 138
Outside pressures and situations such as the COVID-19 pandemic have resulted in higher costs for things we all need. This means both workers and businesses are still working on recovering from all these pressures. While…

Prop 312's Impact: A Threat to Local Budgets and Homelessness Policies
Proposition 312 (Prop 312) produces an economic sanction on local communities and is a short-sighted approach to an issue that requires local solutions, not a one-size-fits-all statewide initiative. If passed, Prop 312…

From the Desk of the Director – Please Vote No on Prop 314
As I go through my ballot and read Prop 314, I am reminded of my immigrant ancestors and the American Dream. An American Dream that my family was able to achieve through the generational contributions they made to Arizona,…

Rising Costs for Arizona Families Highlight That Now Is the Time for Expanded Child Tax Credit
The U.S. Census Bureau recently released 2023 one-year data from the Current Population Survey and American Community Survey. National and state-level data from these surveys provide the most current view on economic well-being…

Arizonans work hard, whether helping an aging parent, caring for a new baby, or punching a timecard for one or more jobs. But not all work comes with a paycheck. And even with paid positions, wages have not kept up with…

Celebrating the contributions of all Arizona workers this Labor Day!
The AZCenter celebrates the contributions of all Arizona workers this Labor Day. We honor the activists who worked to secure better working conditions and an additional day of rest for American workers when the first Monday…

Immigrant Labor Fuels U.S. and Arizona Economy
Immigrants have been an integral part of the U.S. economy since our country’s inception. From entrepreneurs to laborers, immigrants continue to shape how we grow and develop as a nation in countless ways. This is especially…

2022 Legislative Session & Budget Recap
Last week, the Arizona Legislature passed a budget and concluded a long and unpredictable 2022 session. This year, politicians at the State Capitol had a historic opportunity to use a massive surplus of resources to make…

Arizona should use its surplus to invest in the future, not in another tax giveaway.
As Arizona’s economy continues its rapid recovery and expansion—in large part thanks to federal relief legislation that kept families afloat and businesses open—Arizona’s state revenues have skyrocketed, resulting…

$2 Billion Tax Cuts for the Rich are Irresponsible
Last year, the legislature passed huge tax cuts whose benefits will only be seen by the richest Arizonans. Right now, Arizona’s finances are healthy with an expected $5 billion surplus. But this sunny forecast is in danger….

“Repeal and replace” tax scheme erases Prop. 307 and the voice of Arizona voters
Last year, the Arizona Legislature and Governor Doug Ducey enacted a huge tax cut for the wealthiest households in the state. In so doing, they squandered a historic opportunity to direct massive surpluses towards communities…

School Vouchers: A Game-Changer for Whom?
Arizona’s Empowerment Scholarship Accounts (ESAs), also known as school vouchers, were originally designed to support students living with disabilities, but over the last decade, Arizona legislators have expanded eligibility…

Legislature moves to stifle local workers
Arizona’s cities and towns have enacted policies designed to support working people for decades. In November 2021, 65 percent of Tucson voters passed the Tucson Minimum Wage Act, increasing the City’s minimum wage to…

The better the bill, the harder it falls
This year, state lawmakers in Arizona introduced nearly 1700 pieces of legislation. Committee chairs, using their power through rules and deadlines, select which bills receive a hearing for consideration. Every year many…

ProPublica feature strengthens case for improving cash assistance in Arizona
Recent reporting from ProPublica and the Arizona Republic has vividly depicted the consequences of the Arizona state government’s approach to the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program. As ProPublica documents…

Expanding CTC Eligibility to Children with Individual Taxpayer Identification Numbers (ITINs)
This post is the third in our online series on the expanded Child Tax Credit – featuring key section(s) of our full report. Click here to view our first entry on how the expanded Child Tax Credit empowers Arizona families…

Arizona’s Prop 208 Hailed as an Example of How State Tax Policy Can Address Economic and Race Equity
Arizona’s voter-approved Prop 208, which assesses a 3.5% surcharge on the top 1% of Arizona earners, is featured in a recent report by the Institute of Taxation and Economic Progress as an example of how tax policy can…

Taxing the Wealthiest Arizonans to Pay For Build Back Better
Photo by Adam Schultz / Biden for President The Build Back Better agenda currently being negotiated in Congress will make critical, historic investments in families and children to address many long-standing problems in Arizona…

Congress should make the wealthy and corporations pay their fair share to fund our future
Congress has an opportunity to build an economy for everyone – not just those at the top As Arizona’s economy continues to recover (while threatened by the spread of the COVID-19 Delta variant), too many families and…

State legislature fails to prioritize Tribal post-pandemic needs
The 2021 Arizona legislative session was historic, not only in terms of its length, but also in the largest permanent tax cuts in three decades. For thirty years, continuous tax cuts have contributed to the systemic divestment…

Opportunity for tuition equity moves to Arizona voters
Arizonans want real solutions, and they want an immigration system that works and creates opportunities for all Arizonans to fully participate in the economy. SCR 1044 establishes an equal pathway for young adults, regardless…

Legislature’s Flat Tax Proposal Will Cut Revenue for Arizona’s Cities and Towns by $225 Million
The proposed 2.5% flat tax rate and the 4.5% total cap on any income taxes would not only mean a $1.9 billion cut to state revenues, it would also mean a cut to the urban revenue sharing dollars Arizona’s cities and towns…

American Rescue Plan will provide much needed boost for Arizona
The American Rescue Plan Act, passed by Congress and signed by President Biden last week, is a major victory for Arizonans. A year into the pandemic, this legislation provides much-needed relief to struggling households and…

What did the Arizona legislature miss this year?
This year, state lawmakers in Arizona introduced more than 1,800 pieces of legislation. Committee chairs, using their power through rules and deadlines, select which bills receive a hearing for consideration. Every year…

SB 1452 – Diverting more state dollars to private schools at the expense of public school students
Despite the fact that Arizona voters resoundingly rejected a massive expansion of school vouchers in 2018, several voucher bills have been introduced this session. One of those bills is SB 1452. SB1452 not only extends eligibility…

Tax dollars from the Cardinals should be funding Arizonans
The prospect of having Kyler Murray, DeAndre Hopkins, and Larry Fitzgerald on the same offense combined with some strong off-season additions to the defense has many Arizona Cardinals’ fans excited for this week’s kick-off…

Paid Family Leave in Arizona Would be Good for Working Families and the Economy
Nearly everyone needs to take time off from work at some point to care for a sick family member, a new child, or to deal with a serious personal illness. That leave can come at a significant price if it means lost wages or…

Criminal Justice Reform Is Good for the Economy and Advancing Equity
Taxation through court fines and fees is problematic The most visible reforms targeted at the criminal justice system today center around policing, sentencing, and mass incarceration. While some parts of the Arizona criminal…

Corporate Tax Credit for Private Schools Needs a Legislative Fix
(PHOENIX, AZ) – Arizona’s corporate tax credit for private school tuition scholarships is on pace to double every four years and wipe out all of Arizona’s corporate income tax revenue unless state lawmakers take action…